Revisions & Supplemental Agenda for 9/12/23


Agenda Revisions and Supplementals

Note:  This supplemental agenda is updated daily showing items that have been added, continued, deleted or modified.

No new supplemental items will be added to the agenda following close of business on Friday immediately prior to a Board meeting.





Chairman Wagner is presenting a resolution proclaiming September 2023 as “Suicide Prevention Month”

Chairman Wagner is presenting a resolution proclaiming September 2023 as “Recovery Happens Month”


Supervisor Sarmiento will be presenting a resolution proclaiming September 4, 2023, as “Labor Day”




1.          Revised Title to read:

Chairman Wagner  Supervisor FoleyOrange County Emergency Medical Care Committee - Reappoint Dr. Theodore Heyming, Irvine, for term ending 6/30/25


6.          Continued to 10/17/23, 9:30 a.m.




17.       Revised Title to read:

Sheriff-Coroner - Approve purchase order PO-060-23011435 with Motorola Solutions, Inc. for purchase of Harbor Patrol Radio Console Upgrade ($454,109); and authorize County Procurement Officer or Deputized designee to execute purchase order - Districts 1 and 5 (4/5 3 votes Board Majority)


19.       Revised Title to read:

OC Community Resources - Approve amendment 1 2 to contract MA-012-23010702 with Sean Fulton for consulting services for OC Animal Care, 9/6/23 - 9/5/24 effective upon Board approval through 11/5/24 ($207,000); and authorize County Procurement Officer or Deputized designee to exercise cost contingency increase not to exceed 10% under certain conditions and execute contract - All Districts


28.       Revised Title to read:

County Executive Office - Approve grant applications/awards submitted by County Executive Office, Health Care Agency, OC Public Works, Sheriff-Coroner and District Attorney and retroactive grant applications/awards submitted by OC Community Resources in 9/12/23 grant report and other actions as recommended; adopt resolution authorizing County Executive Office to submit a grant application to State of California Department of Housing and Community Development for Emergency Solutions Grant for families experiencing homelessness ($1,220,802) and authorize Director of Care Coordination or designee to execute agreement and any amendments or modifications under certain conditions; adopt resolution authorizing OC Public Works Director or designee to submit, execute and amend grant application to California Department of Water Resources for Drought Resilience Planning 2023, a Sub-Program of Small Community Relief Program ($125,000); adopt resolution authorizing OC Public Works Director or designee to submit, execute and amend application to Wildlife Conservation Board for Stream Flow Enhancement Program to fund development of Aliso Creek Watershed Habitat Connectivity Improvement Project ($3,573,000); and adopt resolution authorizing District Attorney or designee to execute grant award agreements and amendments with California Department of Insurance tor Automobile Insurance Fraud Program ($1,004,845); and making California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) exemption findings pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) and other findings - All Districts


29.       Continued to 9/26/23, 9:30 a.m.




32.       Continued to 9/26/23, 9:30 a.m.


33.       11:00 A.M. TIME CERTAIN FOR ITEM 33




           Item:  19


S  u p  p  l e  m  e n  t  a  l  I t e m (s)


S31A.   Supervisor Sarmiento - Approve addition of Voter Education and Information Events to County Events Calendar; and make related findings per Government Code Section 26227


S31B.   Supervisor Foley - Orange County Senior Citizens Advisory Council - Appoint Joan Nichols, Newport Beach, for term concurrent with 5th District Supervisor’s term of office


S31C.   County Executive Office - Approve and adopt 2023-2026 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with International Union of Operating Engineers, 6/30/23 - 6/25/26; and authorize County Executive Officer or designee to execute MOU - All Districts


S31D.  Sheriff-Coroner - Approve retroactive amendment 1 to contract MA-060-23010736 with Secure Guard Security Services Inc. for unarmed security guard services, 2/28/23 - 2/27/24 ($399,453; cumulative total $592,153); and authorize County Procurement Officer or Deputized designee to execute amendment - District 2


S31E.   Chairman Wagner - Approve allocation of $10,000 from Third District discretionary funds to Heroes Hall Veterans Foundation; make related findings per Government Code Section 26227; and authorize County Executive Officer or designee to negotiate and enter into agreement with Heroes Hall Veterans Foundation


S31F.   Supervisor Foley - Animal Care Community Outreach Committee - Appoint Libby Cowan, Costa Mesa, for term ending 4/29/27


S31G.  Supervisor Foley - Community Action Partnership of Orange County - Reappoint Irene Basdakis, Aliso Viejo, for term concurrent with 5th District Supervisor’s term of office


SCS2.   County Counsel - CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION - Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1):

Name of Case:  William Buck Johns and Elizabeth Colleen Johns, as co-trustees of the Johns Living Trust dated August 13, 2007, et al. v. County of Orange, Orange County Superior Court Case

No. 30-2022-01281155


SCS3.   County Counsel - CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION - INITIATION OF LITIGATION - Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(4):

Number of Cases:  One Case


SCS4.   County Counsel - CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION - Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1):

Name of Case: Ronald Reed v. County of Orange, WCAB Case: ADJ13081892


SCS5.   County Counsel - CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION - Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1):

Name of Case: Javier Godinez v. County of Orange, WCAB Case: ADJ16752913


SCS6.   County Counsel - CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION - Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1):

Name of Case: Sean Howell v. County of Orange, WCAB Case: Unassigned



Last updated 9/12/23 7:45 AM