Agenda Revisions and Supplementals
Note: This supplemental agenda is updated daily showing items that have been added, continued, deleted or modified.
No new supplemental items will be added to the agenda following close of business on Friday immediately prior to a Board meeting.
Supervisor Foley will be presenting a resolution recognizing Lasagna Love on National Lasagna Day July 29, 2024
23. Continued to 8/13/24, 9:30 a.m.
25. Revised Title to read:
OC Community Resources - Acting as the Board of Supervisors - Approve Sale and Assignment and Assumption Agreements assigning HOME Investment Partnerships Program loan ($500,000) from Jamboree-Tal Housing, L.P. to Amistad Partners I LP for Mendocino at Talega I; approve Amended and Restated Regulatory Agreements extending affordability period for 55 years; approve Subordination Agreements subordinating debt ($21,000,000 first trust deed; $6,300,000 second trust deed); approve waiver of transfer provision; and authorize Director or designee to subordinate additional senior debt and execute agreements and related documents under certain conditions; Acting as the Orange County Housing Authority - Approve Sale and Assignment and Assumption Agreements assigning Housing Successor loan ($2,423,384) from Jamboree-Tal Housing, L.P. to Amistad Partners I L.P. for Mendocino at Talega I; approve Amended and Restated Regulatory Agreements extending affordability period for 55 years; approve Subordination Agreements subordinating debt ($21,000,000 first trust deed; $6,300,000 second trust deed); approve waiver of transfer provision; and authorize Executive Director of Orange County Housing Authority or designee to subordinate additional senior debt and execute agreements and related documents under certain conditions; approve Assignment and Assumption Agreement assigning Housing Successor loan ($728,176) from Jamboree-Tal II Housing, L.P. to Amistad Housing Partners II LP for Mendocino at Talega II; approve Amended and Restated Regulatory Agreement extending affordability period for 55 years; approve Subordination Agreements subordinating debt ($11,500,000 first trust deed); approve waiver of transfer provision; and authorize Executive Director of Orange County Housing Authority or designee to subordinate additional senior debt and execute agreements and related documents under certain conditions - District 5 (Continued from 6/4/24, Item 21; 6/25/24, Item 47)
42. Revised Title to read:
County Executive Office – Approve grant applications/awards submitted by Health Care Agency, John Wayne Airport, OC Community Resources, Sheriff-Coroner and retroactive grant applications/awards submitted by Health Care Agency, Sheriff-Coroner and OC Waste & Recycling in 7/23/24 grant report and other actions as recommenced; approve cooperative agreement with City of Anaheim for Housing Opportunities for person with Aids Program, 7/1/24 – 6/30/25 ($938,000); and authorize Health Care Agency Director or designee to execute agreement, related documents and future amendments under certain conditions; approve agreement with County of San Diego and participating public entities for FY 2023 Operation Stonegarden grant, 4/23/24 – 2/28/26 (400,000); and authorize Sheriff-Coroner or designee to accept award and execute agreement and related documents under certain conditions – All Districts
Item: 25 and 42
S u p p l e m e n t a l I t e m (s)
S49A. Supervisor Sarmiento - Adopt resolution recognizing week of September 16 - 22, 2024 as “National Rehabilitation Awareness Week”
S49B. Supervisor Sarmiento - Adopt resolution recognizing week of October 20 - 26, 2024 as “Respiratory Care Week”
S49C Chairman Wagner - Commission to End Homelessness - Appoint Cecilia Bustamante Pixa, Seal Beach, for term ending 12/5/24
S49D. Deleted
Supervisor Sarmiento - Approve use of $25,000 from Second District discretionary funds to Latino Health Access for non-partisan voter outreach and education programs and $500,000 to create Liberty Fund Program for free legal education, training and support for immigrants and refugees residing in Second District; make related findings per Government Code Section 26227; authorize County Executive Officer or designee to negotiate and enter into agreements as necessary; and direct Auditor-Controller to make related payments
SCS1. County Counsel – CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION - Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1):
Name of Case: Damon Tucker v. County of Orange, Superior Court of Orange County Case No. 30-2021-01200119-CU-OE-WJC
Document last updated: 7/22/2024 3:03 PM